Fairy Tale Fix

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101: Comment Neptune
Can we offer you some WTF Fairy Tales in these trying and completely precedented times? Abbie and Kelsey are in an altered state of multiple kinds after the winter break, as is the title character of the Punjabi fairy tale The Ruby Prince! The title chara
100: Cinderella: Let Her Die
Come celebrate with us as we bring you our 100th episode of Fairy Tale Fix! We mark this momentous occasion with the tale that's been told 100 million times and countingthe transformation queen, the midnight majesty, the bippity-boppiest of them all, Cin
99: Stop Using Your Brain
December is the time of year we all collectively reach the end of our mental ropes and get to stop thinking - but Kelsey clearly didnt get the memo! Fairy tale architecture and the decisions of kings are questioned when Abbie reads the Greek tale of The
98: What Would Skeletor Do?
Todays episode brought to you by existential dread! Kelsey regales the overly sappy fairy tale The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wildebut dont worry, shes got a delightfully unhinged fix for our collective mood. Meanwhile, Abbie shares the indigenous (most l
97: What A Team
Its still spooky season in our hearts (and IRL apparently but lets not focus on that)! Abbie regales three cautionary tales about traveling through bogs (which are always scary), and Kelsey recounts more millennial folklore with Scary Stories to Tell in
96: Snow White: The Scream You Scrumpt
It's Halloweentime for spooky forests, creepy disguises, and taking sweets from strangers. What better fairy tale than the classic Brothers Grimm Snow White & The Seven Dwarves?? In this episode, Kelsey retells the classic SW tale, and Abbie reads the so
95: They Weren’t NOT Hot
Well, we've finally wandered through the forest enough to run into the same witch twice. After Abbie starts to read the same story Kelsey read last episode, she turns to a cold reading of Esben and the Witch by our favorite fairy tale queen Ruth Manning-S
94: Baba Yaga Goes New York (ft. Chadwick Heiberg)
A very spooky forest witch welcome to returning guest Chadwick Heiberg! Our time zone hopscotch playing woodland bard returns with the incredibly satisfying sequel to his original story Three Little Witches with the story of One Arm, Two Wings. After, Kel
93: Pretty = Good
New episode, same fairy tale nonsense about physical, traditional beauty being the most important thing about a femme presenting person. NOT ON ABBIE AND KELSEYS WATCH! Hear how they fix the Eswatini legend of Nya-Nya Bulembu and the Portuguese tale of T
92: Sounds Like Dwarf Slander
Before the folktale readings even begin, Kelsey and Abbie share stories from their misbegotten youths that are the opposite of fairy tale perfection. After the drama, Kelsey follows up with the classic Brothers Grimm tale of Snow White..and Rose Red! Go