Race Day at Fairmount Park

Latest Episodes
Saturday Night Racing on May 8th!
On this episode of Race Day at Fairmount Park, Johno once again dives deep into the information and gives us some great picks for a rainy Saturday night of races. About the show: Website:FairmountP
Saturday Racing on May 1st!
On this episode of Race Day at Fairmount Park, Johno rants a little about the name change of the park and gives us his top picks for this Saturday! About the show: Website:FairmountParkPodcast.com
Tuesday Racing or Storms?
Well we could have a great a day of racing this Tuesday or we could have an afternoon of storms. We shall see how it all plays out. Either way, you should listen to this great episode where Johno gives us some great picks and has some fun conversation....
Another Fine Tuesday for Racing!
The weather is cool and the track should be dry! Everything is set for some great racing today at Fairmount Park! Listen to this hilarious episode as Johno gives us the rundown from Mondays racing an
It might be muddy out there!
Tuesday racing is upon us once again! Hopefully, the rain doesnt come down too much and makes the track sloppy! But Johno goes over yesterdays winners and gives us his great picks for today! So, sit
A Hot Day For Racing!
Well, its going to be a hot one out there on the race track but we will see if the racing is hot as well! Check out this great episode of Race Day at Fairmount Park as Johno gives us his exciting pic
Matinee Racing for Tuesday June 30th
It may be raining today and there may be some scratches, but we could still get some races in today! Sit back as Johno gives us a recap of the races from yesterday and gives us his picks for today.
Racing for June 23rd!
On another beautiful Tuesday, Johno runs down his picks from yesterday and how much he won! Plus, he gives us his picks for todays racing that are sure to be good. So, sit back and relax and listen
Another Exciting Tuesday of Racing is here!
Once again, Tuesday racing is here! Listen as Johno gives us his insightful tips and picks for the upcoming races. This is sure to be a fantastic day of races and hopefully some big winners. About t
Racing is Back!
Johno is back in the saddle again and ready to bring you hot tips and picks as racing returns to Fairmount Park! Listen in as Johno and producer Brian get back together in the studio to give you an entertaining and informative podcast. So,