The Height

The Height

Latest Episodes

What is Hindering Your Success
August 19, 2018

1. Giving too much attention to the wrong things 2. Poor habits 3. Lack of education, lack of sustainability 4. Getting too comfortable 5. Lots of learning and not enough implementing Helpful Podcasts: Oprah Masterclass- Jayz Goal Digger Podcast: t

Stop Comparing and See the Bombness in YOU
July 18, 2018

It’s true, comparing really does rob you of today’s joy. Listen and see what’s been helping me break the cycles of Comparison! --- Support this podcast:

Restoration: Back to Living!
July 08, 2018

Restoration; to bring back to existence. What is causing you to feel dead? Sometimes you don’t need anything extravagant to feel alive. Wrestle with the things that are holding you back, take time away from them, do something that makes you feel alive and

Aaand We're Back
June 28, 2018

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#4 Short Clip:Shift Your Focus
February 21, 2018

Don’t let one bad thought spiral into multiple episodes of negative thinking. Become a supporter of this podcast:

#4 overcoming heartbreak
January 22, 2018

Having your feelings hurt is the worst! Unfortunately it is, how do you deal with it? Become a supporter of this podcast:

#3 Optimizing the Waiting Game
January 06, 2018

No one likes the wait for anything! Especially waiting for everything you’ve been working on to finally manifest. In this podcast I share 3 tips to help you Optimize the Waiting Game. Become a supporter of this podcast:

#1 Welcome to my Podcast
December 13, 2017

#1 welcome to my podcast • #2 3 things you need to be GREAT