Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

218 - Add a Gleam in Their Eye

May 10, 2022

Add a gleam in their eyes by providing tools for interacting that are fun and cognitively appropriate.
How do you add a gleam in their eye? Simple, by hearing what this caregiver turned support provider has created. My guest Marie Vaudry is a sandwich generation caregiver who has found a way to make visits easier with curated activities.

The Gleam in Your Eye boxes contain games that facilitate discussions, make visits more pleasant, allow you the opportunity to laugh together, and properly stimulate the person with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s). Are you reluctant to visit your loved one because you don’t know what to say and find that time moves slowly when you do visit? Bring this activity box with you as a gift on your next visit. Do you live far away from them and feel guilty for not being able to visit more often? Receiving this activity box will entertain them and be a topic of discussion when you call them.

Gleam In Your Eye Website

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