Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

216 - Jen Spills the Tea

April 25, 2022

Welcome to episode #216.  I, Jen, can’t believe I’ve been podcasting for four years. I still feel like a newbie. This episode is a little bit of my story, including what it was like losing my Mom during the pandemic. I also talk about what I’ve learned from doing this show, and, a little bit of behind the scenes into how the show gets made.

When Jen started out on her podcasting journey she planned on sharing all she knew. That didn’t last long. After tapping into her less than a deep well of knowledge, Jen branched out & spoke to local people in the caregiving niche. It didn’t take long to have to venture further out and talk to people worldwide!

Jen will be bringing more of her personal stories in season 5 which starts May 2022!

More from Jen:

My Journey With Family Alzheimer’s & Memory Loss

Special Episode – What Do You Remember?

Visiting With Mom (Jen’s Journey)
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Be sure to check out our website for more resources, partners, recipes, and more.  www.fadingmemoriespodcast.com
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Want to learn from Jennifer in person (or virtually)? Wherever you’d like a training session, Jen is available. Contact her at fadingmemoriespodcast@gmail.com

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