Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

206 - What Is a Virtual Dementia Tour?

February 15, 2022

What is a Virtual Dementia Tour? Is it a Zoom thing?

If you aren’t familiar with a Virtual Dementia Tour, you may think it’s an online resource.  Not quite. We’re all much more familiar with virtual worlds thanks to the pandemic, but Virtual Dementia tours pre-date these times. A Virtual Dementia Tour put us, the caregiver, into the world of someone living with a form of dementia.

I had the opportunity to participate in a dementia tour back in 2019, and it was definitely a learning opportunity.  I don’t know how many challenges I experienced with my Mom, but that didn’t matter. Having as close to a first-hand experience in her world as possible was transformative.

Virtual Dementia tours is our topic on today’s episode, and I know you’ll learn a lot. Also, be sure to be subscribed to the podcast for our second episode from Second Wind Dreams when we talk about Dementia interpreters.

Learn more/schedule a dementia tour


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