Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

201 - Oral Care for People With Dementia

January 11, 2022

Oral Care & Dementia has their own challenges and rewards.

Oral care for people living with dementia presents unique challenges to their care partners. Imagine, arranging for a dental house call because Mom's breath is horrible, only to discover she has dentures!  This is just one of many fascinating stories today's guest, Dr. Joy V. Poskozim shares with us. We discussed many practical tips for assisting our loved ones in oral care, dental appointments, and more.

There’s an old saying about the eyes being windows to the soul. But the latest medical and dental research shows that the mouth truly is a window into one’s overall health. Looking out for a loved one’s health means not only keeping an eye on their nutritional intake and physical capabilities, but also on their teeth and gums.

This episode is full of laughs and great information you won't want to miss!

After you tune in, check out Dr. Joys website. Good info there too!


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