Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

195 - Health Disparities Cause More Health Issues (with Dr/ Howard)

November 30, 2021

How do health disparities affect African American's?

This is another conversation with Dr. Howard, this time on the health disparities the African American community faces. He's passionate about teaching the African American community about brain health. He's put together talks and programs in communities of color and the topic of why blacks don't like to go to the doctor was a natural suggestion from him.

As is normal for us, we start on the topic, but we meander on to other, related topics, then return to the main idea. Why is this a good episode to listen to? Understanding the challenges we all face is the quickest way to make changes. Understanding health disparities, like understanding Alzheimer's,  will allow us to better help our friends and neighbors.

As well as we'd like to think the world is equal, unfortunately, that's not always the case. Rather than feeling like we're unable to help, the mere fact of understanding can go a long way.


Other Neuro Hour Episodes:

African Americans & Alzheimer’s

My Conversation With A Future Neuropsychologist

NeuroReserve – Helping Our Brainspan Match our Lifespan

NeuroReserve – Helping Our Brainspan Match our Lifespan
Be sure to check out our website for more resources, partners, recipes, and more.  www.fadingmemoriespodcast.com
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