Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

174 - Don’t Let Yourself Down – Guide to Burial Insurance

July 13, 2021

Don't let yourself down, get the savvy guide to burial insurance.

If you are considering burial insurance, then pat yourself on the back. You are thinking ahead — and beyond.

For most of us, retirement planning involves deciding how to make our money last until the end of our life. One crucial part of the plan that it is easy to overlook is figuring out how much money will be needed to cover the expenses required to wrap up our affairs after we’re gone. So if you are working on figuring that out, you are ahead of the game.

Too many people make the wrong choices when it comes to buying burial insurance. If not done properly, you could be paying more in premiums. Facing longer wait times or being denied altogether are also potential outcomes.

In this episode, author Al Kushner shows how to avoid the mistakes that could damage your chances of taking care of your funeral expenses. You will get the lowdown on level, graded, modified, and guaranteed-issue policies and how to find the right agent for you.

Al Kushner is a recognized Financial Educator, Author, Speaker, and Retirement Specialist. As the Founder and President of Superior Mutual Inc, Al and his team help families and individuals preserve, protect, and pass on a lasting legacy. He is a warm and gifted communicator who has a passion for helping hard-working seniors keep more of what they have worked a lifetime to save. For more information call 888-810-9725 or visit SuperiorMutual.com

Get the Guide

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