Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

137 - Self-Care Is Not Just Bubble Baths & Wine

October 27, 2020

Self-care is more than bubble baths & wine.

Self-care is more than a bubble bath or a glass of wine. Caregivers frequently hear, “you have to take care of yourself,” but they seldom hear how to make that happen. They're also rarely offered the assistance they need that would allow them time for self-care.

If you want to demolish the feelings of guilt, overwhelm, and bitterness, you need to learn how to become a Warrior of Light. That is the title of my guest's book. Eileen Silverberg is a caregiver, author, and teacher of self-care. She emphasizes meditation and Hawaiian practices, and after listening to this episode, you will have new tools that will help you find peace and happiness and form a stronger bond with your loved one.

Through A Warrior of Light, Eileen guides all types of caregivers as they face challenges. She helps them relinquish self-sabotage, forgive themselves, deepen their spiritual practice, engage in self-care, and ultimately, find their own Inner Warrior. As you read her journey, you will repair your connection with yourself and become the best you.
So choose today to get rid of those judgments and limiting beliefs surrounding Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers.

Eileen will help you redefine how you view self-care to help you overcome burnouts and anxiety. She will advise you on how to think with a more positive mindset about who you are, how you perceive others and the world.

Related Episodes
Giving a Caregiver Help

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Help Support Fading Memories
We have partnered with Caregiver Chronicles to bring you a comprehensive 8-week course. This course covers diagnosis to transition. To learn more or to sign up go HERE

Some details about the course.

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Want to learn from Jennifer in person (or virtually)? Wherever you'd like a training session, Jen is available. Contact her at fadingmemoriespodcast@gmail.com
