Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

124 - Flex Your Brain Muscle with Neurosize

July 28, 2020

Flexing our brain muscle is important but it also needs to be fun!

Are you looking for a way to flex your brain muscle in a fun and creative way? Would you also like to improve your connection with others, especially your loved one?

Fun makes us stronger and feel better. Games that engage, entertain and stimulate the brain in a fun and creative ways help you think differently, improve your concentration, and might even help you spend some quality time with the person you care for.

If you’ve tried other cognitive games and found them leaving you feeling dumb and frustrated then you’ll be excited to learn about a new whole new option. You can have fun and exercise your brain right in your own home or this program can be utilized in a care home setting.

However you get your brain muscles on, you’ll surely enjoy Neurosize. Even if the games don't ultimately help you maintain cognitive health, you'll surely have a good time playing them.
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Jennifer is also available for speaking engagements.

Contact her at fadingmemoriespodcast@gmail.com

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