Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Caregiving In Harmony

November 26, 2019

Conflicts are a natural part of human interaction. However, natural conflicts can turn into outright wars when we're stressed and trying to make tough decisions. When a parent has a medical emergency or is in obvious need of more support, it's important for everyone to agree on the next steps. Unfortunately, that's not usually what happens.

Calling in an elder care mediator can be transformative. A mediator is a neutral party who takes into consideration everyone's needs and feelings. Utilizing a mediator can open our eyes to solutions that we weren't able to see before.

How exactly can an elder care mediator help navigate conflict? Similar to a therapist, but with specific goals to reach, a mediator will listen carefully to everyone's opinions and help find satisfactory solutions.

The good news is there are options for those of us who want to improve things on our own. A mediator can coach you through different scenarios and help you see another perspective.

During our conversation, I had a couple of "light bulb" moments. Because of these moments, I opted to work with Katharina. It was my hope that I could fix my side of the many childhood issues that plagued my relationship with my sister.

You'll have to tune in to a future bonus episode to see how successful our sessions were.

Aging In Harmony Website

How A Family Did Caregiving Right Part 1

How A Family Did Caregiving Right Part 2
Where Else To Find Fading Memories
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