Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Alzheimer’s & The Birth of AlzAuthors

September 03, 2019


Jean Lees parents were both diagnosed with Alzheimer’s on the same day. She was the hometown daughter, working full time. Her sister lived 1,000 miles away. What could have been a recipe for disaster became AlzAuthors.

Jeans sister suggested keeping a journal as part of caring for their parents . The result of this journal keeping was not to eventually write a book. Quite the contrary. The journal clearly described the health issues of their parents.

But keeping the journal, written words describing "private health information" made Jean feel profoundly guilty. In her own words, "Like a traitorous spy, I kept the journal for two years. It became an integral part of our parents’ diagnosis."

Additionally, reading guided Jean through her Alzheimer’s caregiving journey. Each book, each voice, equally strengthened her for difficult times ahead. Uniquely, no story was exactly the same. Jean makes your caregiving journey easier by telling her story and adding her voice to the choir, .

How does someone go from documenting health issues to founding the largest collection of books on Alzheimer's?  As most things, it happened in stages. As a consequence of being told by an agent that her book was loved but that Jean had no name recognition, she decided to self publish.

For example, Marianne Scuicco (a past guest) got started with Blue Hydrangeas through self publishing . Consequently, after her own publishing and receiving many positive reviews, Jean reached out to Marianne.  Jean felt she was reaching out to greatness and was shocked when she heard back.
About AlzAuthors
Connecting over a shared understanding of being Alzheimer's caregivers is how AlzAuthors was born. Equally important to their connection was finding more like-minded authors with the same goal. Together with a shared goal in mind they reached out to more authors.

Making a difference in your dementia journey is the goal of AlzAuthors. Equally important the site is managed by six daughters who have experienced the loss of a loved one with dementia. Lifting the silence and stigma of Alzheimer's and other dementias is their goal.

AlzAuthors write the words that serve as caregiver handbooks. In addition, they are guides through the disease process, or a catalyst for much needed conversation. A new author is featured each week and receive requests for inclusion from writers globally. Currently, they are 200 authors strong and growing.
The AlzAuthors Blog
Featuring a new author every week, the AlzAuthors blog is a fantastic resource to learning about other caregiver journeys. Together with authors and bloggers this site offers the widest range of advice in one place.

Regardless of what you're looking for, you're sure to find it on AlzAuthors site. Looking for books focused on advice? The memoir and non fiction titles available are sure to provide the advice you seek. Furthermore, if you're looking for something different, there are many fiction titles available. Equally important are books for kids and teens. Young people have different questions about Alzheimer's and AlzAuthors has many books that address their concerns.

As if books & blogs were not enough, there are opportunities to meet many the authors. By checking out their calendar of events you may find an opportunity for an in person meeting.
Where Else To Find Fading Memories
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