Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Fading Memories: Alzheimer's/Dementia Caregiver Support

Sprinting Towards Happiness - A Vibrant Life With Alzheimer's

July 18, 2023

When Tony and his partner Catherine found themselves in their 50s, life took an unexpected turn. Tony learned that he needed a heart valve replacement, while Catherine was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. As former endurance athletes, their response to this news was nothing short of remarkable. They made a bold decision to sell their home, retire from their jobs, and embark on a nomadic adventure, traversing the globe while participating in marathons and half-marathons.

Tony chronicled their extraordinary journey through his book, "Running All over the World," which was adapted from a blog he maintained during their travels. This nonfiction account spans over five years and encompasses a range of experiences, from flying to running, walking to sailing, and sightseeing. The book serves as both a travelogue, transporting readers to enchanting locations like Madagascar, Bhutan, and the Great Wall of China, and a medical memoir, providing insights into their day-to-day realities with limited possessions.

However, beyond its adventurous narrative, the book is also a captivating love story. It recounts the trials and tribulations faced by Tony, a former pilot with an unwavering passion for breathtaking landscapes and meticulous planning, and Catherine, an indomitable spirit who, despite a broken ankle, perseveres to walk a half-marathon in the Australian Outback mere weeks later. Throughout their nomadic years, they continually challenged their physical and mental limits, always crossing the finish line hand in hand.

This is an update on how Tony & Cat are enjoying life today as Cat's disease has progressed.

** The first 5 that leave a comment at RunningwithCat.com about hearing me on your show will get a Kindle version of his book.**

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Contact Jen at hello@fadingmemoriespodcast.com
