Extraordinary Life Podcast

Being “RIGHT”…who is actually right? And here’s something better to strive for.
In this episode we talk about those thoughts of WHAT's right, or WHO is right. Is there even ONE ultimate right??
I share a little story about being in the ravine with some friends as a kid and talking about this stuff for the first time, and then how I contemplated whether Parents, Religion, or the Law was more right than the others.
There's a cool example I share that shows how we're ALL potentially right depending on the perspective we're coming from, and how we get stuck NEEDING to be right which blocks us from seeing more perspectives.
There are some examples I share about how we all have changed our "truths" at some point depending on certain influences... and how maybe we need to ask a different question.
Seeing as we all feel RIGHT from our own perspectives... this is where I share a great 2-piece tool to get past the need to be "right" and to instead give and receive something even better!
Listen in to find out what it is... It's so worth it : )
I believe in you,Jenifer Merifield
Personal Excellence Mentor & Mindset CoachWebsite: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield