Extraordinary Life Podcast

Extraordinary Life Podcast

Get Unstuck (maybe not what you’d expect)

April 01, 2019
Get Unstuck


In this episode we talk about that STUCK feeling and how to get out of it.

I share about how kids do what we learn to avoid as adults, and then I suggest you do what you may not think a Personal Excellence Coach would suggest.

It goes against the usual empowering ways, but it’s needed for moving stuff we hold onto that doesn’t serve us… emotions, resentment, shame, etc.

I talk about the importance of Energy Movement, what it means, and how to do it.

You’ll hear a specific 10 Minute Technique, plus a Secret tool many aren’t aware of that Removes the triggers that suck us into bad habits and get us stuck in the first place.

I believe in you,
Jenifer Merifield

Personal Excellence Mentor & Mindset Coach
Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield
