Extraordinary Life Podcast

Acceptance and Change
Today I want to talk about acceptance and mindset… this podcast is dedicated to three awesome listeners who contacted me with very similar topic requests… so a warm shout-out to Carlos, Rebecca, and Jen!
Life doesn’t always go as we want it to or plan it to… sometimes the struggle seems overwhelming. Have you ever felt like the struggles are not even in your control, or they’re just happening TO YOU?
How we handle OURSELVES when these things happen – is what will either keep the struggle alive, or allow it to more easily dissipate.
I did a video some time ago about Acceptance and Change… and I want to elaborate on it today and also add some details that lean more towards “relationships” a bit more because they can be really challenging…
You’ll hear a story about “Mad Lunch Guy” to give you an example.
Then I talk about the THREE MINDSETS, and how to notice which one you’re in and then how to move UP into a more positive one.
We analyze that guy a bit (because he’s so obvious) and then I give you a couple of BETTER CHOICES that are easy and quick to change perspective and get in control.
You always get to choose!
I believe in you,
Jenifer Merifield
Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach
Website: JeniferMerifield.com | IG: @JeniferMerifield