Extraordinary Life Podcast

Victim Mindset… and two better options.
In this episode we talk about the THREE MINDSETS and the amazing power they have over us.
I'll also share whether Affirmations are actually helpful or just a bunch of BS.
Taking ownership of the fact that we CHOOSE our Mindset can be tricky and uncomfortable. I share how to do this more easily and what to notice.
I go in depth what each of the three Mindsets are, as well as some examples of how they show up in our lives. You'll hear where depression, anxiety, anger and peace show up and how we lock in the beliefs that don't serve us while keeping us in limiting mindsets.
You'll learn about the three levels of dependence and which mindset each of them shows up in ...and I tell you about an experience I had in Karate class one time that was super painful both physically and mentally, yet taught me a humbling and very valuable lesson in mindset.
I explain the mind-body connection concerning which happens first and how it benefits you to know it, and you'll find out the MAGIC QUESTION to ask yourself when you're feeling stuck.
There is no one that can't make positive change for themselves and create the life and lifestyle they prefer.
I believe in you,
Jenifer Merifield
Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach
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