Extraordinary Life Podcast

Boundaries and People Pleasing
This episode is dedicated to the overly "nice" people, the people pleasers, the ones who put themselves at the bottom list, are always saying yes, always taking care of others ahead of themselves, but maybe they're not feeling so good about it.
I am a self-professed, reformed people pleaser myself, so I understand this on several levels.
The thing that makes Boundaries tricky for the ones lacking them, is that we don't see it as a Boundary Issue, we see it as being nice, doing the "right" thing, and being respectful.
In this podcast I talk about WHY we people-please, and WHERE fuzzy, unclear boundaries come from.
You'll hear how our past programming plays a huge role and how we pass that on to our own children.
I give you some examples so you can relate and see how it shows up in your life and for others, and I tell you specifically what you can do and say to get more clear on what you want your boundaries to be and how to do less people pleasing.
Justifying is a symptom of non-clear boundaries I talk about as well. You'll see how it doesn't benefit you and what you can do instead.
We discuss how it's hardest with the people we love and spend time with, but also how we will get support from specific people and not others when we make personal changes.
Finally, I'll tell you the TWO things that are the foundation to an Extraordinary Life and are what make us able to maintain strong Boundaries.
Wishing you an EXTRAORDINARY day, with strong, clear boundaries!
I believe in you,
Jenifer Merifield
Personal Excellence Mentor & Coach
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