Extraordinary Life Podcast

Limiting Beliefs and “Shoulds”, the Past Programming that’s Holding You Back Today
If I asked you the question: What do you want? But really, what do you want? Don't analyze it or let doubts creep in to limit you, what would that be?
We do have doubts though, don't we? And our Doubts and Limits get in the way and HOLD US BACK.
Where do these doubts and limits come from, anyway? They come from our past programming and conditioning which comes from OTHER PEOPLE's limiting views of the world. Now, we do get some good Beliefs from others, but we also get ones that DON'T serve us... and then we make them OUR OWN TRUTHS.
Where do they even get their programming and beliefs from? OTHER PEOPLE as well!
So then, what is truth anyway? Who's truth is the real truth?
Truth is simply what anyone chooses to focus on and allow to guide their actions and choices in life.
There is no ONE truth. There are as many truths as there are people's perspectives of any one thing.
When we have Limiting Beliefs that we buy into, it keeps us in our comfort zones. That's the place we know what to expect. Things we want, dream of, and desire, we convince ourselves we can't have them because we're afraid of the unknown parts OUTSIDE of our comfort zones of how to get them. Especially if we tried and it didn't happen before because of our own beliefs or something someone else said, we find it safer and more comfortable in our comfort zone.
Comfort zones are the place of REGRET. Don't let that happen.
To get out starts with awareness: we need to see and acknowledge our OWN beliefs and limiting views. It's easier to se other people's limits and flaws by looking in from the outside without living their experiences. That's why it's harder to see our OWN so-called "flaws". When we recognize the things that are holding us back that is because of ourselves, it STINGS. But, that string is important!
Limiting Beliefs and Shoulds keep us STUCK... we can't move forward. There are some good Beliefs and Shoulds, and sooooo many UNsupportive ones that we obliviously drag around and buy into our whole lives.
The acronym for Beliefs and Shoulds is "BS", kind of perfect right? Because UNSUPPORTIVE and LIMITING Beliefs and Shoulds are exactly that: Bullsh**
We need to call BS on everything to see what's serving us and what's not.
What I believe that truly serves me and I love to share is that: there is no ONE truth, no impossible, and no bad people - just ones who sometimes make NOT good choices and negative judgements (and that's all of us at some time or another).
The best part is, we get to change our minds any time! We need only come from a new perspective. What about YOUR right-now perspective... what is it? How is it currently holding you back? You can find those truth and beliefs wherever you find yourself judging, complaining, criticizing other people or yourself. Wherever you deflect your own pain externally onto someone or something else, or where you harshly do the same behaviours internally about yourself.
In order to be free, we can no longer blame externally; we need take ownership of the fact that WE created ALL of our life's results. No excuses! Imagine someone with 6-pack abs. They don't make excuses when discomfort shows up, they go to the gym NO MATTER WHAT. It depends what we put importance on and that changes whether we're in our comfort zones or pushing the edge.
When we care more about what others think, we start to not know any more what we actually think.
We've got to face our discomforts to not stay stuck in our comfort zones. When we feel mediocre in life we get may get a surge of energy to make things different. Sometimes we even do it, we get motivated, but then there's always a point where it becomes difficult and disco...