ExtraOrdinary Districts

ExtraOrdinary Districts

Leading the Way

May 16, 2022

In Episode 3, leaders in two states explain how they are using ESSER funds to pursue statewide improvement efforts. In Delaware, recently retired state superintendent, Dr. Susan Bunting, along with Dr. Michael Saylor, education associate for school leadership initiatives, and Dr. Jackie Wilson, director of the Delaware Academy for School Leadership, note that their state has developed a leadership pipeline that includes teacher leaders, assistant principals, principals, and superintendents, in response to the fact that 40% of current principals and assistant principals will be eligible to retire in the next five years. In Maryland, we hear from State Superintendent of Schools Mohammed Choudhury, who is using $150 million in grants to encourage Maryland’s 24 school districts to “choose their own adventure” and adopt two or more improvement strategies — ranging from the science of reading to Grow Your Own teaching force — that are proven effective. He notes that even small districts are eligible for large grants.