ExtraOrdinary Districts

ExtraOrdinary Districts

Latest Episodes

A Dream Project, Staff Shortages, and Canceling the Ku Klux Klan—Wait, What?
May 23, 2022

In Episode 4, we hear from Melinda Young, superintendent of Steubenville City Public Schools, Kayla Whitlatch, Steubenvilles treasurer, and Lynnett Gorman, the districts federal grants administrator

Leading the Way
May 16, 2022

In Episode 3, leaders in two states explain how they are using ESSER funds to pursue statewide improvement efforts. In Delaware, recently retired state superintendent, Dr. Susan Bunting, along with Dr

Addressing Learning Needs
May 09, 2022

In Episode 2, we sit down with Tricia McManus, superintendent of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools, who says that her district is making the most of its relief money by using it to address pressing

Where Are All Those Dollars Going?
May 02, 2022

In Episode 1, we talk about the big picture with Phyllis Jordan of FutureEd, a Washington think tank that has been tracking how districts are spending the money. She says that what is very clear is th

Districts That Succeed
April 23, 2021

In the final episode of this season of ExtraOrdinary Districts, Tanji Reed Marshall interviews her co-host Karin Chenoweth about Chenoweths new book, Districts that Succeed: Breaking the Correlation

What Have We Heard? What Have We Learned?
April 16, 2021

In this episode, ExtraOrdinary Districts co-hosts Karin Chenoweth and Tanji Reed Marshall chew over what they heard and what they learned from five previous episodes that explored different aspects of

What Can States Do to Improve Reading Instruction?
April 09, 2021

When Tennessee showed no progress on the last results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress and Massachusetts actually declined, both states were spurred to make some major changes to imp

High-Quality Materials
April 02, 2021

Most elementary schools teach reading with either a basal reading program, a teacher-developed curriculum, or a balanced literacy program like Fountas & Pinnell or Teachers College Units of Study. But

The “Science of Reading”
March 26, 2021

The last results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed no progress and some indicators even declined, meaning few children are reading at an advanced or proficient level. Partly be