Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

A collaborative approach to solving obesity and type-2 diabetes

October 09, 2014

Food preparation in the MUNCH metabolic kitchen (Photo by Kent Faddis)

The MU Nutritional Center for Health (MUNCH) and the MU Physical Activity and Wellness Center (PAW) opened on the University of Missouri, Columbia campus, this year. These state-of-the-art labs are joint projects of Mizzou’s Collage of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) MU’s College of Human Environmental Science (HES) and the MU School of Medicine. Built and organized with collaboration in mind, this research hub can tackle complex health problems, like obesity, with a holistic approach.

Today’s guests are Christopher Hardin, director of the MUNCH and PAW labs, Ingolf Gruen, food scientist with CAFNR and Heather Leidy, a nutrition and exercise physiology research for the University of Missouri.


Preparation for an exercise stress test at the PAW center (Photo by Kent Faddis)


Cooking Up Solutions

MU Nutritional Center for Health

Cooking an Obesity Cure