Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

Beautiful bulbs - Heralds of spring need care and feeding

May 10, 2014

“She turned to the sunlight
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbour:
“Winter is dead.”
~ A.A. Milne from “When We Were Very Young”

Nothing signals the end of winter like bright daffodils and colorful tulips. Spring flowering bulbs are easy to grow and always rewarding. To enjoy their early spring show you must plant these bulbs in the fall and care for them after they bloom.

Today’s guest is David Trinklein, horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension. He has some dos and don’ts for keeping daffodils, tulips and hyacinths happy and putting on a glorious spring show year-after-year.



Post-Flowering Care of Spring Bulbs

Spring Flowering Bulbs

“The tulips make we want to paint,
Something about the way they drop
Their petals on the tabletop
And do not wilt so much as faint”
~ A. E. Stallings from him poem “Tulips” (Photo by John O’Neill)

“Here hyacinths of heavenly blue
Shook their rich tresses to the morn”
~ James Montgomery, British editor and poet from his poem “The Adventure of a Star.” (Photo by John O’Neill)