Extension on the Go

Extension on the Go

Turning Clay Soil into Beautiful Garden Loam

April 29, 2013

“Even the richest soil, if left uncultivated will produce the rankest weeds.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci (Photo by John Kelley)

Clay soil does have many benefits. Its ability to hold nutrients and water make it the most fertile soil type. Clay soil’s problem is structure. It compresses together very easily, making it difficult for water, air and fertilizer to reach plant roots. But, don’t despair if your soil is mostly clay. With just a little elbow grease you can transform that fertile soil into one with the perfect structure for gardening success.

Today’s guest is Jennifer Schutter, horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension.



University of Missouri Extension has a wealth of information:

Improving Lawn and Landscape Soil 

Soils, Plant Nutrition and Nutrition Management
