Exponential NEXT Podcast

Exponential NEXT Podcast

Is The Gospel Still Good News?

October 16, 2023

“Gospel” literally means “good news” … but if you ask many people in our increasingly pluralist and secular world, Christians who claim it as our central truth are less and less associated with anything resembling “good news”! This workshop will equip you in ways to share the gospel, in ways that sound like it’s truly good news again, especially to those in the next generation on whom the future of the church realize. We consider realities of our cultural moment, and how our changing mission field needs new and different strategies than the past decades. And we’ll discover tangible ways to display and declare the gospel in the stories that shape the adults of tomorrow.

Evangelism Series // Week 3

Speaker: Ben Connelly

This podcast is one of several workshops from Exponential’s Global 2023 Conference in Orlando. You can grab the Evangelism Resource Kit for this workshop and more to train you and your team: https://multiplication.org/product/evangelism-2023-orlando-workshops-resource-kit/

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