Exploring Unschooling

Exploring Unschooling

Redefining Success and Parent-Child Relationships

September 21, 2023

This week on the podcast, we’re sharing a conversation I had recently for the Self Directed Podcast with Jesper and Cecilie Conrad.

It was such an invigorating conversation that I asked if we could share it here as well and they graciously agreed. We dive into the art of fostering strong, respectful, and trusting parent-child relationships, redefining success, and experiential learning—basically, cultivating the space for our children to learn through their interests and experiences, while having conversations about it all with someone who loves them deeply.

I hope you enjoy our conversation!

And if you’d like to bring more thoughtful and engaging conversation about unschooling into your days, I invite you to join me, Anna, and Erika in The Living Joyfully Network.

This month, we’re talking about Finding Our Groove and it’s been really fun and interesting to dive into. In this week’s focus call, I shared three aspects of the idea of finding our groove that I see.

One is exploring my own groove, which means learning about myself as a person: how I’m wired, my fears, my motivations, my sensitivities, my interests, how I like to engage with things, and so on—both embracing them with compassion and sometimes choosing to play with the edges of my comfort zones.

Second is helping my kids and partner find their grooves: people are different and their grooves are going to look different than mine—how they’re wired, their fears, their motivations, their sensitivities, their interests, how they like to engage with things etc.

When we try to see things through their eyes and help them pursue the things they want to do in the ways they want to do them, we help them learn more about themselves and, in turn, we learn more about them.

And the third aspect is weaving all these grooves together into the bigger picture of life as a family: we can find where our grooves connect and resonate. Maybe it’s a shared interest or a shared feeling of excitement around our passions. There’s something energizing about finding our grooves and weaving them together—we resonate at a higher level.

Gaining a deeper understanding about ourselves is a big part of this journey and something we talk a lot about in the Network. It’s a welcoming and encouraging space where you can explore unschooling with other like-minded parents who are also choosing to embrace lifelong learning and cultivate strong and connected relationships with their children.

Join us in the Network here!

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Watch the video of our conversation on YouTube.

Check out the Self Directed Podcast with Cecilie and Jesper Conrad.

Follow @exploringunschooling on Instagram.

Follow @pamlaricchia on Instagram and Facebook.

Follow @helloerikaellis on Instagram.

Check out our website, livingjoyfully.ca for more information about navigating relationships and exploring unschooling.

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