Exploring Unschooling

Exploring Unschooling

EU010: Unschooling Dads with Rick Rossing

March 10, 2016

Rick Rossing is a stay-at-home unschooling dad. He and his wife, Deb, have one child, Joshua. I’ve known him and his family for years through unschooling circles and we’ve met a few times at conferences and gatherings.

In today’s episode, Rick and I talk about his unschooling experience.

Quote of the Week

“Do not ask that your kids live up to your expectations. Let your kids be who they are, and your expectations will be in breathless pursuit.” ~ Robert Brault

Questions for Rick

1. Can you share with us a bit about your background and your family?

2. How did you discover unschooling? What did your family’s move to unschooling look like?

3. How did the choice for you to be the stay-at-home parent evolve?

4. I know for us, unschooling multiple children had some challenges, like working through sibling conflicts and figuring out ways to support different interests at the same time. I expect there are also challenges inherent with unschooling one child. What has your experience been?

5. Has Joshua develop any interests that have stretched your comfort zones? If so, how did you move through that?

6. Looking back on how Joshua’s interests have grown and changed over the years, can you see a thread that has run through them up to this point?

7. As Deb was working outside the home, what are some of the things you guys did to help her and Joshua stay connected?

8. I know you’ve been writing sci fi novels the last couple of years. I imagine you’ve had more time for your own projects as your son has gotten older. What has that process looked like?