Exploring Unschooling

Exploring Unschooling

EU001: What is Unschooling?

January 10, 2016

In this introductory episode, I share my vision for the podcast, an overview of my unschooling journey, and my evolving definition of unschooling.

Quote of the Week 

“It is a miracle that curiosity survives a formal education.” ~ Albert Einstein

Episode Highlights

The Exploring Unschooling podcast will have new episodes weekly, and my goal is for us to explore unschooling together, through in-depth interviews with veteran unschooling parents, conversations that dig into a wide range of unschooling topics with experienced guests, and monthly Q&A episodes to answer your questions.
My school background and finding unschooling almost 14 years ago.
What my children are up to now.
How my definition of unschooling has changed over the years.
How unschooling doesn't look like school at all.

If you'd like to submit a question for an upcoming Q&A episode, just go to livingjoyfully.ca/podcast.