Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Anne Peled And Hil Moss On The Future Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 17, 2022

“Should this be an awareness month or should this be an action month?”

Hil Moss is a breast cancer survivor and founder/CEO of VivorCare, the first virtual survivorship clinic for survivors of critical illness. She comes on Explore The Space Podcast during Breast Cancer Awareness Month alongside Dr. Anne Peled. Dr. Peled is a breast cancer and reconstructive surgeon as well as a breast cancer survivor who is making her 3rd appearance on the podcast (check her our on MedLasso here!) We get into the future of Breast Cancer Awareness Month particularly around resolving disparities and making it an international project. In addition we cover amazing topics related to survivorship and sharing the journey on social media.

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Twitter @annepeledmd, @hilmoss

VivorCare home page

Dr. Peled’s home page

Dr. Peled talking early detection and self-empowerment on AthletaWell


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