Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Deanna Behrens & Gretchen Winter On Exercise, Community & @PelotonMed

November 04, 2021

“Everybody had a lot of need for an outlet”

Dr. Gretchen Winter is an adult pulmonologist and critical care physician in Birmingham, Alabama.  Dr. Deanna Behrens is a pediatric intensivist in the Chicago area. Together they run @PelotonMed on Twitter, which has become a hub for healthcare workers to congregate, share, and exercise together. They join to discuss the incredible growth of this community and what they see happening going forward.

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Sponsor: Elevate your expertise with Creighton University’s Healthcare Executive Educational programming. Learn more about Creighton’s Executive MBA and Executive Fellowship programs at www.creighton.edu/CHEE.

Sponsor: The Clinician Experience Project by Practicing Excellence uses coaching and development to help clinicians become their best and improve patient and organizational outcomes, while amplifying purpose and contentment. Learn more at https://practicingexcellence.com/.


Twitter: @PelotonMed, @gretchemaben, @deannamarie208

Peloton: DancingLungDoc, DeannaWrites

#exercise, #fitness, #health, #peloton, #Covid19, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medical, #student, #resident, #fellowship