Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Judy Melinek & TJ Mitchell on “Aftershock” & Moving To New Zealand

February 22, 2021

"I will do the detective work after the fact to try to figure out what happened"

Dr. Judy Melinek is a forensic pathologist and TJ Mitchell is a professional writer & they are back to discuss their experiences after moving to New Zealand as well as the release of their new book "Aftershock"

If you didn't hear them on Explore The Space last year discussing "First Cut" here's the link to that episode. It is so much fun getting back into the world they've created with their protagonist, Dr. Jessie Teska.

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Sponsor: Elevate your expertise with Creighton University’s Healthcare Executive Educational programming. Learn more about Creighton’s Executive MBA and Executive Fellowship programs at www.creighton.edu/CHEE.
Sponsor: The Clinician Experience Project by Practicing Excellence uses coaching and development to help clinicians become their best and improve patient and organizational outcomes, while amplifying purpose and contentment. Learn more at https://practicingexcellence.com/.
Key Learnings

1. When did they begin thinking about moving to New Zealand & how has the settling-in process gone?

2. The process of moving to New Zealand during Covid-19

3. Would they ever come back to the United States?

4. The return of Dr. Jessie Teska with "Aftershock" and what this collaborative process felt like

5. Why "Aftershock" is a dark story

6. How they want to shape the world for Jessie Teska in future books

7.  How their books are impacting career choices

8. Appreciating how New Zealand continues to respond to science

9. Deciding whether or not Covid19 will enter a subsequent book plot


Twitter @DrJudyMelinek @TJMitchellWS

Get your copy of "Aftershock" here

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