Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Nancy Spector On Invisibility, Allyship & Gender Equity

February 04, 2021

"Women just feel like they're invisible. We are overlooked & we're not selected & we're not chosen"

Dr. Nancy Spector is a Professor of Pediatrics & Vice Dean for Faculty at Drexel University College of Medicine, as well as Executive Director of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) program. She joins us for an expansive look at her pluripotent efforts, why mid-career female physicians feel invisible, and the critical need for allyship, among many other topics.

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Key Learnings

1. Dr. Spector's pluripotent journey into leadership and ELAM

2. Recurring points of friction and recognizing structural issues that exist in academia

3. The "invisibility" of mid-career female physicians & identifying the time of greatest vulnerability

4. How homogeneity remains a huge barrier at the top for women and particularly women of intersectionality

5. Why allyship is so critical as opposed to this being solely a women's issue

6. Calling out wage gaps and Equal Pay Day

7. How outdated information sharing platforms in academic publishing are a barrier to progress

8. Why Promotions and Tenure is ripe for an overhaul, with special attention paid to public influence and impact, particularly during Covid19

9. Making it clear that the Council of Deans must address the issue of Promotion and Tenure during Covid19

10. Examining "The Fauci Effect" and medical school applications


Twitter @NancyDSpector, @ELAMprogram

Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine

HBR article #1 on allyship

HBR article #2 on allyship

Forbes article on allyship
A Call for Term Limits in Academic Medicine
COVID-19 and the Slide Backward for Women in Academic Medicine

Journal of Hospital Medicine article on tracking academic productivity during Covid-19

Covid-19 CV Matrix

Dr. Quinn Capers on Explore The Space Podcast

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