Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Anne Peled On Breast Cancer Awareness & Action

October 19, 2020

"It's so hard to not want to have every single step planned"

Dr. Anne Peled is a breast cancer & plastic surgeon in the Bay Area and is also a breast cancer survivor. She joins us during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to discuss moving from awareness to action from both the doctor and patient perspectives. She is simply remarkable, I am truly touched by our conversation.

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Sponsor: Elevate your expertise with Creighton University’s Healthcare Executive Educational programming. Learn more about Creighton’s Executive MBA and Executive Fellowship programs at www.creighton.edu/CHEE.
Key Learnings

1. Emotions triggered by the words "breast cancer awareness month

2. Converting awareness to action around the calendar

3. Acknowledging racial and ethnic disparaties in care and screening as critical items requiring action

4. Action items from the patient perspective

5. How the spouse of a person with breast cancer can think about ways to be supportive

6. Wishing that back pain could just be back pain

7. Reinventing "one step at a time" & the importance of context

8. The value of getting out of your head

9. Acknowledging the experience of men with breast cancer


Twitter @annepeledmd  Instagram @drannepeled

Dr. Peled's website

Breast cancer resources from The American Cancer Society

About Breast Cancer from The Komen Foundation

Facing Our Risk

The Breasties

Transcript for this episode
Mark Shapiro (00:01):
Welcome back to Explore The Space podcast. I'm your host Mark Shapiro. Before we get to today's episode, a word of thanks to our sponsor, Laurie Baedke and Creighton University. Creighton university believes in equipping physicians for success in the exam room, the operating room, and in the boardroom. If you want to increase your business acumen, deepen your leadership knowledge and earn your seat at the table. Creighton's health care executive education is for you. Specifically tailored to busy physicians, our hybrid programs blend the richness of on-campus residencies with the flexibility of online learning. Earn a Creighton university executive MBA degree in 18 months, or complete the non-degree executive fellowship in six months, visit www.creighton.edu/CHEE to learn more. My guest in this episode of Explore The Space Podcast is Dr. Anne Peled. Dr. Peled is a breast cancer and plastic surgeon in the Bay Area, and she is also a breast cancer survivor.
Mark Shapiro (00:57):
This being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she joins us to discuss a really interesting perspective of how we move this idea of awareness of breast cancer, to action, to actionable things, to tangible steps we can take to make progress around reducing morbidity, mortality, and disparities in breast cancer, diagnosis and treatment. And she brings some really brilliant insights from the perspective of both a surgeon who treats people with breast cancer and a patient who has survived breast cancer. It's a really wonderful way to approach a difficult and charged and sad and sometimes inspiring topic. And it's obviously one that has been a focal point of my life and certainly on Explore The Space Podcast we've shared on this show in the past, the episode that I did with my wife, Jessica, who is the voice of Explore The Space, she was also a breast cancer survivor.