Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Rod Brooks On Sports Fandom During A Pandemic

September 08, 2020

"It's there for us to enjoy, & the people who are playing it, they're doing their jobs"

Rod Brooks leads the "Tolbert, Krueger, & Brooks Show" on KNBR, the Bay Area's leading sports radio station, &  is one of the finest sports talk-radio hosts in America. He joins us to discuss the power of money when it comes to Covid testing, are people enjoying professional sports this year, "The Last Dance", & why it's ok to engage with sports while acknowledging this is all very bizarre.

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Key Learnings

1. The challenge of making & keeping new friends as an adult

2. Feeling disinterested and disconnected from professional sports

3. How a new priority set has changed the way we engage with sports

4. The anger that comes with the excess Covid-19 testing that sports leagues have access to

5. Are professional sports providing a service to its fans or is that narrative nonsense?

6. Rod and I talked about "The Last Dance" ,  Jordan's famous dunk and my goodness this segment is the best

7. Will leagues need to do some service recovery with their fans

8. What will happen with the return of the NFL?

9. The persisting and wildly frustrating issues with college sports

10. Do these seasons count?

11. How a friend can help change perspective

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