Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Ben Kinnear On Medical Students, Covid-19, & Graduating Early

August 24, 2020

"Our healthcare systems are totally built in most places to rely on trainees as a cheap labor force"

Dr. Ben Kinnear is an Associate Professor & Pediatric Hospitalist at Cincinnati Children's Hospital who joins us to discuss "Developing Trust With Early Medical School Graduates During The Covid-19 Pandemic", published open-source in the Journal of Hospital Medicine. We cover measuring the impact of the intervention, readying for the next time, closing the gap between medical school & residency, & the potential value of time-variable training. 

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Key Learnings

1. Where this focus on medical students in the essay came from

2. Was the early graduation of medical students a helpful intervention in dealing with Covid19 and what are the markers of success?

3. The need for qualitative study of what the experience was like for the early graduates

4. What happens when the next surge doesn't line up so neatly with the academic calendar and the idea of promoting based on competence, not on time

5. The "confidence = competence" heuristic and the complexity of how to assess learners

6. Where things stand with research around time-variable training

7. How are we taking care of residents and fellows during the Covid19 pandemic?

8. The response to the article

9. What are the next steps forward to create a better continuity between medical school and residency


Twitter @midwest_medpeds

The Journal of Hospital Medicine article

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