Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Renee Dversdal On Covid19, POCUS, & Taking A Plunge

August 20, 2020

"This is it, I'm going to have a contribution here, I'm going to do it"

Dr. Renee Dversdal is a national expert in point of care ultrasound (POCUS), the new Chief Medical Officer at Vave Health, & Associate Professor of Medicine at OHSU. She joins us to discuss the potential role for POCUS when treating patients with Covid19, as well as her fascinating journey to becoming a CMO.

Here is Dr. Dversdal's first visit to Explore The Podcast

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Key Learnings

1. Imagine yourself in a Covid-19 isolation room trying to listen to your patient's lungs

2. The opportunity point of care ultrasound (POCUS) provides at the bedside, particularly for patients with Covid-19, to provide better, care, reduce possible exposures, preserve PPE, and more

3. Thinking of POCUS as additive, supportive, and a powerful accelerant of collaboration instead of something that "replaces" anything else

4. Renee's new leadership role as CMO of Vave Health

5. Breaking through inertia & imposter syndrome

6. Acknowledging & moving past the "selling out" concept

7. Determining purpose using "what am I good at, what does the world need, what can I get paid for, what am I passionate about"

8. Being your authentic self when stepping forward for a new role

9. Potential impact not just in the role, but in allows others to observe and learn from her journey


Twitter @DrSonosRD

Vave Health website

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