Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Mikhail Varshavski (aka Doctor Mike) On Social Media, Influence & Restraint

April 17, 2020

I am becoming more proficient at understanding each time when I make a piece of content, what is my purpose? What am I trying to accomplish?"

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski is a Family Practice physician who leads the way for healthcare professionals creating content on social media & managing their influence responsibly. In this remarkable conversation, Doctor Mike shares some superb insights around how not to cross "The Line", understanding purpose behind content, and the value of restraint. If you are active on any social media platform, this is essential listening.

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Key Learnings

1. Defining "The Line" & the myriad elements to account for when creating healthcare content for the public

2. Impulsivity and how Mike deals with provocative content or inaccurate information

3. Two premium of examples of dealing with misinformation, especially when it makes you angry

4.  Understanding the value proposition & what you're trying to accomplish when deciding how to wield your influence

5. The importance of assessing your goals anytime you create content

6. Why physicians need to adjust to leveling of the field with patients

7. The problems with trying to break news on social media in a fast-moving news cycle

8. A reminder from Mike that every thing you put on social media is there forever

9. Staying humble, especially as your following grows

10. The compelling place where Mike wants to push past "The Line"


Twitter: @RealDoctorMike

Instagram: doctor.mike

Doctor Mike's YouTube channel

#influence, #socialmedia, #YouTube, #Instagram, #Twitter, #Covid19, #misinformation, #podcast, #podcasting, #healthcare, #digitalhealth, #health, #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medicalschool, #resident, #physician