Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Mark Hertling On War Analogies, Healthcare, & Covid-19

April 13, 2020

"What has happened now with this crisis is that healthcare providers are going into battle"

Lt. General Mark Hertling is back on Explore The Space Podcast in the wake of his superb article "Ten Tips for a Crisis: Lessons from a Soldier." We discuss the analogy of healthcare providers as soldiers in a time of war, the inherent risks of glorification, the importance of having a "Battle Buddy" & so much more. This is essential content at a critical time for all of us.

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Key Learnings

1. The mindset Mark brings to helping physicians develop as leaders

2.  The correlation between healthcare and war during the Covid19 pandemic

3. The normalization of terms used to describe war and soldiers at war being applied to healthcare providers

4. How glorification makes us both uncomfortable

5. Processing requests and writing the essay

6. What is a "Battle Buddy?"

7. Tempo, adapting workflows, & getting everyone into the fight so we can manage this pandemic

8. Recognizing the context and impact of graduating healthcare professionals early and bringing people out of retirement

9. Acknowledging that we are in a crucible and the difficult ways we will be hardened

10.  Reflecting on the incredible Journal of Hospital Medicine Twitter chat from 4/7/2020 (search for #JHMChat

11. Seeing a reinvigorated trust in doctors and healthcare professionals


Twitter: @MarkHertling

Mark's essay in Journal of Hospital Medicine

Mark's first appearance on Explore The Space Podcast: "Developing Leaders"

Mark's second appearance: "Character, Resilience, and Leadership"

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