Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Mike Natter On Art, Medicine, & Passion

February 27, 2020

"I believe that art and visual imagery is innate. Anyone can understand it"

Dr. Mike Natter is a 3rd year Internal Medicine resident and a stunning artist. Like truly wonderful. We discuss using art as a teaching tool, how he reflects and critiques residency training through his art, and our shared love for Calvin & Hobbes. This is so much fun, enjoy!

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Key Learnings

1. Using art as a teaching tool

2. Does Mike use his art for other subjects or just medicine

3. How the process of art is beneficial, not the end-product

4. Tools of the trade

5. The things that Mike feels compelled to draw at any opportunity

6. How Mike reflects the challenges and hardships of residency in his art

7. What does a day off look like

8. The art that Mike enjoys

9. The growth of graphic art and medicine

10. Why talking about our shared hobbies at work is a challenge

11. Calvin and Hobbes. That's it

12. Merging and sustaining more than one passion


Twitter @mike.natter  Instagram: @mike_natter
Mike's ArtSugar page: https://artsugar.co/collections/mike-natter

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