Explore The Space
Narjust Duma On Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions
"We have to all see it as a problem before we can move forward"
Dr. Narjust Duma is an oncologist at University of Wisconsin specializing in lung cancer in women. She is also a brilliant teacher around unconscious bias & microaggressions. We discuss where these behaviors come from and the impact they have, as well as how we can assess our own biases and work to get better. She also shares the origin story of #LatinasInMedicine.
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Key Learnings
1. Narjust's reflections on being a 4th generation physician
2. Defining the term "Unconscious Bias"
3. Narjust's paper on unconscious bias and the generalizable nature of it.
4. How microaggressions come with unconscious bias and the cumulative impact they have
5. Dealing with the "where are you really from" question
6. Where medical education around unconscious bias stands
7. The impact of unconscious bias on patients
8. Resources for learning more and getting better around unconscious bias
9. How unconscious bias can impair communication between patients and physicians (also, Attending Syndrome is real)
10. Wherein Narjust creates The Cheese Analogy, which is absolutely brilliant
11. Building a community with #LatinasInMedicine
Twitter: @NarjustDumaMD
Evaluating Unconscious Bias: Speaker Introductions at an International Oncology Conference
Live stream for Narjust's upcoming Grand Rounds http://live.videos.med.wisc.edu/
AAMC material about unconscious bias: https://www.aamc.org/what-we-do/mission-areas/diversity-inclusion/unconscious-bias-training
How Microaggressions Are Like Mosquito Bites
#bias, #unconsciousbias, #microaggressions, #oncology, #lungcancer, #podcast, #podcasting, #healthcare, #digitalhealth, #health, #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medicalschool, #resident, #physician