Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Vicki White On Holding The Line In A Disaster

November 08, 2019

"We actually do this well, and it's good to be able to do this well when you're the safe place for the community."

Vicki White is the Chief Nursing Officer at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital and she joins me to discuss navigating the Kincade Wildfire. Vicki is a smart, tenacious, and committed leader, skills that are essential when you're helping lead a team that won't quit at a hospital that will not evacuate. In the wake of leading through a second disaster in 3 years, Vicki's perspectives on how to lead in an incredibly challenging environment are absolutely remarkable.

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Key Learnings

1. How Vicki made her way back to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital as Kincade erupted

2. The value of trusting your colleagues when you're under extraordinary pressure

3. Reliability and the mindset needed to ensure we never close

4. How Vicki used compartmentalization as a coping tool during another disaster

5. The challenges of continuing to provide high-quality care in the setting of a disaster

6. The importance of family members of health care professionals during a disaster

7. The importance of personal touch in keeping a team moving

8. Why decompressing after a disaster is so difficult

9. Acknowledging that this may all come again and what Vicki focuses on now.


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