Explore The Space

Explore The Space

Kincade Fire Thoughts + Katharine Hayhoe on Health & Climate Change

October 28, 2019

"The #1 question that I have gotten over the past few years is 'What gives you hope?'"

Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is a climate scientist and Professor at Texas Tech University. She is also one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People and an extraordinary voice for climate action on every imaginable platform. She joins us to discuss the importance of talking about climate change & how to do it constructively. We also get her stunning description of the 9 ways climate change effects human health and how it is a Threat Multiplier.

We open with some of Explore The Space podcast host Mark Shapiro's thoughts on the ongoing Kincade Wildfire. This disaster is not yet over, but some reflections needed to be shared.

Please check out www.norcalfiredonationlist.com if you'd like to make a donation towards wildfire relief.

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Photo Credit: Martin Voelker

Key Learnings

1. The importance of talking about climate change & the cognitive dissonance surrounding it

2. Developing a skill set around talking about climate change

3. Understanding "dismissive" people and how rejecting the science of climate change is "a conscious part of their identity"

4. The value of starting conversations based around what we agree on, not what we disagree on

5. Why Dr. Hayhoe is so active on social media

6. The amazing origin story of her superb communication skills & the importance of showing respect in conversation

7. Climate change as a Threat Multiplier

Wherein Dr. Hayhoe walks us through the ways climate change impacts human health & the disproportionate effect on lower socioeconomic classes

1. Extreme heat

2. Air pollution and the staggering annual death toll associated with it

3. Impact on food quality, nutritional value, and cost of crop loss

4. How higher levels of CO2 effect plant growth

5. Water pollution and heavy precipitation

6. The ways in which increasing levels of carbon dioxide impact our cognitive function

7. Increased exposure to extreme weather events

8.  Impacts on mental health and he disproportionate impact on women and children

9. The destabilizing impact climate change has on social structures

Wherein we close with where we can find hope


Twitter @khayhoe

Dr. Hayhoe's website

TEDTalk on Talking About Climate Change

Global Weirding

Project Drawdown

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