Expat Life in Odense, Denmark

Interview with Abril Arteaga Part 1: Earth Yoga (business start up in Odense, Denmark)
In this episode, you can hear about Abril Arteaga, who decided to open a well-being space in Odense six years ago, when she moved to Denmark with her family.
Abril Arteaga has a background in business, and she is among others specialized in ashtanga yoga, mindfulness, meditation, stress management and acupuncture. When Abril arrived in Odense six years ago, she was looking for a place where she could practice yoga, but she did not find what she was looking for, so she decided to create her own place. This was the beginning of her business, Earth Yoga.
The story about Abril’s well-being space in Odense is presented in two episodes. In the current episode (part 1: Earth Yoga), Abril talks about the process of starting up Earth Yoga, and her experiences from the early start up period.
In the next episode (part 2: Earth Klinik) Abril will talk about how she recently has adapted her business to the new reality of corona, and transformed Earth Yoga into Earth Klinik - a virtual clinic of well-being with a holistic approach to mental health.
If you would like to get in touch with Abril, you can write to her at info@earthyoga.dk. You can also visit Abril’s webpage and Facebook page.