Expat Life in Odense, Denmark

How to start a business in Odense, Denmark
The first part of this podcast is an interview with Lene Høxbro Larsen. Lene is a consultant for entrepreneurs, and she talks about how Odense Iværksætterservice and Stjerneskibet support entrepreneurs and the early start ups in Odense.
The second part of the podcast is an interview with Christiana Cardoso. Cristiana is the owner of Silo Marked; a new packaging free shop in Nørregade 30, in the center of Odense. Cristiana shares her experiences with starting up her new shop as an expat in Odense, and she gives advice to others who are considering starting up their own businesses in Denmark.
In the third part of the podcast, Henriette Johnsen talks about how Stjerneskibet supported her while she wanted to expand her clinic – the Good Expat Life – with personal empowerment groups for expat spouses. Henriette is a psychotherapist, specializing in expat life issues.

Silo Marked

Links mentioned during the podcast:
Link to the contact information of the consultants at Odense Iværksætter Service, Stjerneskibet. On this webpage, you can also find a link to the mini-business plan (mini-forretningsplanen) that you need to fill in before meeting with one of the consultants at Odense Iværksætterservice.
Link to the list of private advisors that supports entrepreneurs for 1-2 hours for free, while the entrepreneurs receive advice from Odense Iværksætterservice
Link to a check list for entrepreneurs starting up a business
Link to a test for business ideas
Link to Silo Marked‘s webpage
Link to The Good Expat Life‘s webpage