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After the Devastating Fires, The Jewish Roadmap Forward
In Pacific Palisades, in the midst of the overwhelming destruction and grief wrought by the January infernos, Kehillat Israel (KI) stands and endures as a symbol and beacon of hope and renewal. Rabbi
Facing Challenge, the Power of Resilience
Living through or witnessing devastation and loss such as that caused by fires in Los Angeles, or war in Israel generates levels of stress, trauma and grief. Embracing and practicing hope and resi
“Honor and Comfort” — Giving Space to End-of-Life Ritual and Practice
End-of-life conversations and practices are increasingly emergent in the Jewish community, as communal entities bring attention to the value and beauty of deeply rooted Jewish thought and tradition su
Post-October 7, Reaching for Community, Future and Hope: A Conversation with Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove
In his new and widely acclaimed book For Such a Time as This: On Being Jewish Today Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove of Park Avenue Synagogue in NYC uses Jewish history and storytelling to frame the challe
October 7: Marking a Year, and Embracing Hope
A year after October 7, we are individually and collectively seeking a marker to frame our grief and our trauma, but is that even possible? The difficulty of commemorating October 7 is that were sti
From Headstones to Footstones: Marking and Honoring a Life
Monuments are the types of memorials headstones, footstones, markers and more we place at a loved ones final resting place, and honor a life. So what are our choices? How creative can we be with
Embracing Spirituality on the Road of Life
Can universal principles of spirituality join with classic psychotherapy and other modes of western medicine to help us navigate our journeys and their challenges? Anna Yusim, MD, a Stanford and Yale
Jewish Not-for-Profit Funeral Chapels: Impact and Challenge
Jewish not-for-profit funeral chapels are making impact not only as service providers, but also as educators, conveners and community builders in an evolving Jewish landscape. Plaza Jewish Community C
Grieving, an Actor Finds Anchor on the Stage
Tony Award winning actor Miriam Silverman lost her mother, Anita, during a pre-Broadway run of the hit play The Sign in Sidney Brusteins Window just last year. Her fathers insistence that she stay c
A New Off-Broadway Play Bears Witness to Oct. 7, Giving Space to Grief and Resilience
A current off-Broadway production, October 7: In Their Own Words, dramatizes the verbatim testimonies of Israelis from that and following days, revealing raw expressions and interpretations of trauma