The Evidence Based Education Podcast

The Evidence Based Education Podcast

#UKEdResChat: Strategies for effective implementation in schools

November 08, 2017

As many of you will know (particularly those Twitterers among you), last Thursday evening, we hosted #UKEdResChat. The title for the week was "Making it stick: Strategies for effective implementation", talking specifically about good implementation practice in schools.

If you missed the chat, or aren't on Twitter, fear not! You can catch up with the discussion on strategies for effective implementation at this link.

Due to the limits imposed by Twitter's 140 characters (and also Stuart's typing speed...!), Stuart Kime and Jamie Scott felt there were a few loose ends to tie up - a few questions that perhaps weren't quite answered fully within the 30 minutes. So, they sat down earlier this week and fleshed out some of the responses for you. It's available to download as a podcast further down in this post, or using your usual podcast platform. Please do share, rate and review if you find the practical strategies and resources mentioned useful!

For more about implementation and research engagement, click here to read about our training of Research Leads, and do get in touch.

(P.S. Stuart Kime Metaphor Bingo is now Jamie's registered trademark...)

All of our podcasts can be found in our podcast archive, and we have a host of free eBooks, videos and webinars in our Resource Library!