Everything Is Interesting -With Keera & Kira

Latest Episodes
Season 1: Loops – Life-cycle Loops
All living creatures on earth reproduce themselves in some way or another. But there are so many different ways to make a baby, virtually the only commonality is that DNA inside one organism is copied and then passed on to an offspring organism.
Season 1: Loops – Wild Wolves & Feedback Loops
Kira and Keera are trying something new: seasons! With themes! In Season 1, they're exploring the idea that in nature, many processes happen in reoccurring patterns, or more specifically, loops. - In today's episode, K+K dive into how important,
Re-Release: The Science of Love (Edited & Updated)
Love. Some would say its the reason for being alive. So why does it make you feel sweaty, shaky and nauseous, like someone's forcing you to jump off a bridge at gunpoint? - Join K+K to discover what's happening inside your body when you fall in love,
Re-Release: LAVA!! (Edited & Updated)
Kira & Keera explore the immense geological forces that help to shape our planet, and then share some of the places you can go to see them, right here in our own National Parks. LAVA! The discovery of plate tectonic theory
Re-Release: The Santa Species (Edited & Updated)
If you’re an avid pursuer of rare and unique species, this is a very exciting time for you. Christmas Eve is when you have the best chance of catching a glimpse of the elusive Santius Clausadae, more commonly known as the Santa Claus.
62. Hot-Topics Debate: GMOs and CRISPR
What do you get when you take 2 science nerds & 3 radio producers, and put them in a small room to discuss a hotly debated topic like Genetically Modified Organisms and their role in agriculture? Apparently you get today's episode of Everything is Inte...
Re-Release: Hard Labor (Edited & Updated)
Your body is almost always using energy, whether you're going hard labor, or just sleeping. Play along with our Labor Quiz to see if you know the answers to questions like: True or False: When you sleep your body consumes the caloric equivalent of...
Re-Release: Science Fiction Movies, In Spaaaaace! (Edited & Updated)
Science Fiction movies are great. But for us, half the fun of watching them is how blatantly they misrepresent the actual science behind their plots. Its ridiculous, it’s inaccurate, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun to pick apart. - On today’s show,
Re-Release: Metallic or Metallica?! (Edited & Updated)
Is it a metal? Or is it METAL?!? (Like, the music. You have to say it with a growl to get the joke.) In today’s show, K+K attempt to stump the XRAY DJs with phrases that might describe an actual scientific element and its metallic properties,