Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Hamvention 2017 - ETH069

May 18, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! In this episode we are going to talk about Hamvention 2017! Facebook Question of the Week: What did you think of Hamvention this year? Show notes and further reading for this episode can be found at http://www.everythinghamradio.com/podcast/69/ Please subscribe to my website to receive emails on when I publish a new post or podcast episode by going to http://www.everythinghamradio.com/subscribe/. Fill out the form on the page and click on the “Sign Me Up!” button. Check you email and you should receive an email from me with a link that you will have to click on in order to confirm your subscription. Once you click on that link, you will start receiving emails from me. If you like what you hear on my podcast and would like to help financially there are several ways that you can do just that. You can make a one time donation through paypal, become a monthly contributor through Patreon or simply shop on Amazon using my affiliate link. Check out http://www.everythinghamradio.com/support/ for more information