Everything Ham Radio Podcast

Everything Ham Radio Podcast

ETH051 – We Made It To One Year!!

January 12, 2017

Hello everybody and welcome back to the Everything Ham Radio Podcast! We made it to one year, well almost, this coming Sunday, Jan 15, will be the one year anniversary of this podcast! Before we get started in todays show, I would like to thank each and every one of yall that listen to my podcast. Yall are the reason that I do this. I thank you listening, for sharing, and supporting me either mentally or financially! In this episode we are going to be talking about everything we have done over the past year, we talk about the Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club in our amateur radio club spotlight, we talk about some upcoming events/contests and hamfests over the next two weeks and wrap it up with some news from around the hobby!
Please let me know what you think about my podcast by taking my short survey. It really has given me some insight as to what y'all think, what I could change or do better even though I have only had 6 people take it so far.
I would like to thank George Zafiropoulos, KJ6VU with Packtenna.com, Dan Romanchik, KB6NU and Scott Davis, N3FJP for donating items for give-away prizes for this episode.
$100 gift certificate to Packtenna.com
Any/all ebooks written by Dan, KB6NU on kb6nu.com
N3FJP Software Package
Custom call sign desk plate made by me…:)

Show notes and further reading for this episode can be found at http://www.everythinghamradio.com/podcast/50/
Amateur Radio Club Spotlight

Maple Valley Amateur Radio Club

Website: http://www.kc7key.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/106949826001472/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KC7KEY

If you would like to have your amateur radio club highlighted on my podcast, please send an email to k5clm@everythinghamradio.com. In that email please give me the name of your club, your club’s website address and tell me a little about your club.

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Don’t forget to rate and review my podcast. Go to http://www.everythinghamradio.com/itunes/ to be taken to my podcast on ITunes. Please give me an honest star rating and review. This helps greatly in my standings in ITunes and will help others find my podcast other than searching for it directly.

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